In this issue we offer a full article on our review of the 2021 Work Plan of the European Research Council. The 3 big calls to be issued by ERC are expected along the current year. ERC Starting Grant Call has been already issued and reviewed by us (see Synopsis in our Magazine). Other important calls have been issued on promotion of innovation in Health Sector, and in Art, Science and Technology collaboration. EUROPEAID recently issued various calls for projects in developing countries, among which a 1.2Million EUR call for promotion of innovation and start-ups ecosystems in South Mediterranean countries. NEW CALLS REVIEWED IN THIS ISSUE: Overall, the second part of the Magazine includes 83 European Calls for funding, open for the six months, included in the following thematic sections: THEMATIC SECTOR # Education, VET, Culture 4 Employment, Social Inclusion 3 Energy, Environment, Climate Change 4 Enterprise, Economic Development 21 International Cooperation and Development 28 Regional Development and Neighbourhood Policies 2 Research & Innovation 21 Each call is reviewed and resumed in single Synopses, where data, objectives, eligible activities and applicants, available funds and other information are collected for the reader. Tools are offered for downloading the single Synopsis, to get alert information on other news, and to access to partners'search platforms.