For the 27th June 2021 Edition, we monitored 101 new European funding calls resumed in single Synopses. It is very important to notice that last week over 130 new calls were issued by the Horizon Europe Programme. We did not have time to comment and revise in single synopses all the new funding calls. However we inserted all the new calls in our general list with links to the European Funding Portal. In this way everyone will be able to get immediately into the general information about the single calls. In the next weeks we will make all possible efforts to produce single Synopses for all the new Horizon Europe funding calls. We revised in single Synopses all the new Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions supporting careers and mobility experiences across Europe by Phd candidates, Post doctoral and Researchers. A long article is also dedicated to the MSCA Programme under the Horizon Europe Framework for the 2021-2027 period. We also revisede new 3 Europeaid calls supporting developing countries.